陈经理:手机/微信 Q 助理陈S:手机/微信 Q 公司电话:0769-82953985 温馨提示:如果您找不到联系方式,请百度“东莞新捷信仪器”,谢谢! 吉时利SourceMeter?(数字源表)系列是专为那些要求紧密结合激励源和测量功能,要求精密电压源并同时进行电流与电 压测量的 测试应用而设计的。所有源表均由一个精密的、低噪声、高稳定的带回读功能的直流电源和一个低噪声、高重复性、高输 入阻抗的 5位半多功能表组成,形成了紧凑的单通道直流参数测试仪。其功能相当于电压源、电流源、电压表、电流表和电阻表的综 合体。通 信、半导体、计算机、汽车与医疗行业的元件与模块制造商都将发现,源表仪器对于各种特征分析与生产过程测试都较具 实用价值。 Keithley 2420型高压源表功率为60W,能够提供和测量从±5μV(源)和±1μV(测量)到±60V的电压,以及从±100pA 到±3A的电流。 Keithley 2420的生产测试应用包括必须在较高电流情况下进行测试的电阻和电阻网络、热敏电阻、太阳能电池、普通电池 、大电流或 中等功率二极管(包括开关和肖特基二极管)。2420也适用于CMOS集成电路的IDDQ测试,监测电池供电医疗设备(例如起 勃器)的电 流消耗情况。 吉时利Keithley 2420数字源表 * 2400系列提供宽动态范围:10pA to 10A, 1μV to 1100V, 20W to 1000W * 四象限工作 * 0.012%的精确度,5?的分辨率 * 可程控电流驱动和电压测量钳位的 6位线电阻测量 * 在4?数位时通过GPIB达1700读数/秒 * 内置快速失败/通过测试比较器 * 可选式接触检查功能 * 数字I/O提供快速分选与机械手连接 GPIB, RS-232, 和触发式连接面板 The certificate number SourceMeter (digital source table) series is designed for those requiring close combination of excitation sources and measurement functions, requiring precise voltage sources and measuring current and voltage simul taneously. Designed for testing applications. All source tables are powered by a precision, low noise, high stability DC power supply with a read function and a low noise, high repeatability and high input impedance. The 5 half multi function table is composed of compact single channel DC parameter tester. Its function is equivalent to the synthesis of voltage source, current source, voltmeter, ammeter and resistance meter. through The manufacturers of components and modules in the letter, semiconductor, computer, automotive and medical industries will find that the source meter instrument is of great practical value for various characteristics analysis and production process testing. The 2420 type high voltage source has a table power of 60W, which can provide and measure the voltage from + 5 V (source) and + 1 (V) to + 60V, and the current from + 100pA to + 3A. 2420 Production testing applications include resistance and resistance networks, ther mistors, solar cells, ordinary batteries, large current, or medium power diodes that must be tested under high current conditions (including switches and Schottky diodes). 2420 is also suitable for IDDQ testing of CMOS integrated circuits to monitor current consumption of battery powered medical devices such as generators.