陈细平:手机/微信 Q 助理陈S:手机/微信 Q 公司电话:0769-82953985 温馨提示:如果您找不到联系方式,请百度“东莞新捷信仪器”,谢谢! E4405B频谱分析仪E4405B频谱分析仪E4405B频谱分析仪 Agilent E4405B ESA-E 系列频谱分析仪,100 Hz 至 13.2 GHz 主要特性与技术指标 性能 ?0.4 dB的总体幅度精度 ?+16 dBm TOI ?-167 dBm DANL,带有内置前置放大器 ?1 Hz窄分辨率带宽(可选) 测量应用软件 ?相噪、噪声系数、GSM/EDGE、cdmaOne等 测量应用软件 ?包括功率套件,可进行一键式RF功率测量 详情 特性 ?发货迅速、定价合理 ?分段扫描,一次扫描32个不连续的范围 ?便携耐用的设备,可在现场提供实验室级的性能 ?5分钟的预热时间,可确保较高的测量精度 描述 ESA-E系列是能适应未来需要的 中性能频谱分析仪解决方案。该系列在测量速度、动态范围、 精度和功率分辨能力上,都为类似价位的产品建立了性能标准。它灵活的平台设计使研发、制 造和现场服务工程师能自定义产品,以满足特定测试要求,和在需要时用新的特性升级产品。 该产品采用单键测量解决方案,并具有易于浏览的用户界面和高速测量的性能,使工程师能把 较少的时间用于测试,而把更多的时间用在元件和产品的设计、制作和查错上。 The ESA-E series is a mid-performance spectrum analyzer solution that can adapt to future needs. The series is measuring speed, dynamic range,Both accuracy and power resolution have established performance standards for similarly priced products. Its flexible platform design enables research and development Manufacturing and field service engineers can customize the product to meet specific test requirements and upgrade the product with new features when needed.The product uses a single-button measurement solution and has an easy-to-navigate user interface and high-speed meas urement capabilities that enable engineers to Less time is spent on testing, and more time is spent on the design, production, and troubleshooting of components and products.