陈R: (手机/微信) Q 陈S: (手机/微信) Q -------------------- 公司电话:0769-82953985 阿里旺旺:147258bbang 地址:广东省东莞市塘厦镇莲湖新村 提示:如果您找不到联系方式,请百度“东莞新捷信仪器”。 -------- 吉时利KEITHLEY2400数字源表Keithley 2400数字源表 吉时利2400数字源表系列特别适用于需要精密电压源和电流源驱动,同时 进行电流 电压测量的测试应用。所有源表都提供精密的电压和电流源测量能力。每 个源表均 由一个高稳定的直流源和一个真仪器级的5位半多功能表组成。该电源特性 包括:低 噪声,高精度和回读功能。万用表功能包括高重复性和低噪音。其结果形 成了一个紧 凑的单通道直流参数测试仪。在操作中,这些仪器可以作为一个电压源, 电流源,电 压表,电流表和欧姆表。通信、半导体、计算机、汽车与医疗行业的元件 与模块制造 商都将发现,数字源表对于各种特征分析与生产过程测试都较具实用价值 。 吉时利2400主要特点及优点: 2400系列提供宽动态范围:10pA to 10A, 1μV to 1100V, 20W to 1000W 四象限工作 0.012%的精确度,5?的分辨率 可程控电流驱动和电压测量钳位的 6位线电阻测量 在4?数位时通过GPIB达1700读数/秒 内置快速失败/通过测试比较器 可选式接触检查功能 数字I/O提供快速分选与机械手连接 GPIB, RS-232, 和触发式连接面板 英译: The Keithley Model 2400 SourceMeter Series is particularly suitable for applica tions that require precision voltage source and current source drive while perfor ming current flow Voltage measurement test application. All source meters provide sophisticated voltage and current source measurement capabilities. Each source table is It consists of a highly stable DC source and a true instrument level 5-digit multifunction table. The power features include: Low Noise, high accuracy, and read back. Multimeter features include high repeatability and low noise. The result formed a tight Minato single-channel DC parameter tester. In operation, these instru ments can be used as a voltage source, current source, and electricity.Pressure gau ges, ammeters and ohmmeters. Component and module manufacturing in the comm unications, semiconductor, computer, automotive and medical industriesShangdu will find that the digital source table is of great practical value for various feature analysis and production process testing. Key Features and Benefits of Keithley 2400: The 2400 Series offers wide dynamic range: 10pA to 10A, 1μV to 1100V, 20W to 1000W Four-quadrant work 0.012% accuracy, 51?2 resolution 6-Bit Line Resistance Measurement with Programmable Current Drive and Voltage Measurement Clamp Up to 1700 readings/second through GPIB at 41?2 digits Built-in fast fail/pass test comparator Optional contact inspection function Digital I/O Provides Fast Sorting and Robotic Connections GPIB, RS-232, and Triggered Connection Panels